Ace of Spades

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Ace of Spades Slots

There aren't any particularly complicated bonus features, making it an ideal slot machine for beginners who just want to relax with some pure gambling action. The Ace of Spades slot has a wild icon that will double or quadruple the value of the wins. There are no special features, but they do feature wild symbols which can double or quadruple the value of the wins. Notably, the Play'n Go game is as simple as they come when it comes to the gameplay.

Top of the Deck

The Ace of Spades. The Ace of Spades was used by American soldiers in the Second World War and Vietnam War as a way marking certain regiments for good luck. However, its history can be traced back as far as the 17th century when James I of England ordered that the card bear the insignia of the printing house for taxing purposes. It is also known to be used as an icon of death. The Ace of Spades has since become an icon worldwide.

Keeping It Simple

The Ace of Spades slot machine has clear two-dimensional illustrations, while the symbols on the reels include a golden crown and a four-leaved clover. The reels are designed with simple yet clear two-dimensional illustrations, while the playing card values on the reels can be seen in great detail. Other icons on the reels include a lucky four-leaved clover and a golden crown. Overall, the game is fairly straightforward to play and has classic arcade sound effects.

Place Your Bets

The line bet multipliers shown in the “3 coins” column are tripled to the multipliers in the “1 coin” column. Players can place either 1, 2 or 3 coins on each spin, making the maximum possible bet of 15.00 credits. The reward is proportional to the amount of the total bet placed for most winning combinations, except when three Ace of Spades align. However, the multipliers only apply to one WesFunk

Wild Card

An Ace of Spades symbol will double or quadruple the value of the normal win depending on whether one or two symbols are present on the payline. Additionally, the Ace of Spades wild icon will double or quadruple the value of the normal win based on whether one or two symbols are present on the payline.


Play'n Go

Slot Type

Classic slots





Max Coins Per Line




Bonus Game




Wild Symbol


Scatter Symbol


Autoplay Option




Free Spins


