Flying Ace

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Flying Ace Slots

Up to 30,000 credits. The game has 3 reels and 5 paylines, giving players plenty of opportunities to line up a winning combination of symbols. The Microgaming software title has 3 reels and 5 paylines, offering an ultimate jackpot of 30,000 credits to the biggest daredevils. A wild symbol could lend a helping hand to complete line wins. Notably, the game doesn't have much in the way of special gameplay features.

The Sky Is the Limit

At hundreds of kilometres per hour. The reels of the 3-reel slot machine by Microgaming feature symbols related to the world of aviation, such as blonde bombshells on top of missiles and an old aviator character with all of the traditional gear (including goggles and a leather bomber jacket). Also, there's a big “A” symbol for “Ace”. The game also features a selection of symbols related to the world of aviation.

A Game with Vintage Charm

. However, the slot machine does have a retro charme about it with plenty of blue, red and white colours to emulate the traditional tricolour target symbol. The game is designed to a rather outdated standard with two dimensional cartoon characters and a lack of special animations other than the spinning of the reels itself. It also replicated the colours of the Union Jack (and Stars and Stripes). Notably, this slot machine has no special animations other than the spinning of the reels WesFunk

Are You a Spinning Ace?

A line bet multiplier of 6,000x awarded whenever three matching pilot characters align with the reels in Flying Ace slot machine. The game offers a “Autoplay” option to allow players to sit back and relax without missing a chance to hit a winner. Players can choose between 4, 3, 2, or 1 paylines, depending on how many lines are active. The jackpot potential is 30,000 credits with a line bet multiplier of 6,000x awarded whenever three matching pilot characters align. All icons involved in the game will

A Little Bonus Boost

Of bonus games with big winning potential. Flying Ace has a wild symbol and it will substitute for all other symbols in the game to pay the highest possible win on triggered paylines. The Wild Icon is depicted by the pilot character and it will substitute for all other symbols in the game to pay the highest possible win on triggered paylines. Notably, Flying Ace has a top total bet of 25 credits. However, it doesn't offer much adrenaline fuelled spinning action in bonus games.







Max Coins Per Line


Bonus Game




Wild Symbol


Scatter Symbol


Autoplay Option




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